How large should your healthcare marketing budget be?

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MediaCare team
Updated on December 11, 2023

Ever wondered if you’re putting enough into your healthcare marketing? It’s a common concern for practice owners and healthcare marketers. We get it; investing in advertising and marketing is like planting seeds for your practice. If your services aren’t reaching the right ears, people might miss out on the solutions you offer. But figuring out the sweet spot for your marketing budget? That’s where the real challenge kicks in.

In the ongoing chat about healthcare marketing budgets, the idea of cutting back might cross your mind. But here’s the deal – trimming too much could seriously slow down your practice’s growth. Before locking in your marketing budget, take a peek at your marketing stats. Understanding how your audience reacts to your current efforts is key. With patient data in hand, you can shape your marketing budget to support both your growth dreams and everyday expenses.

Let’s face it – having a marketing budget is like oxygen for your practice. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting to bloom, marketing is your secret sauce for pulling in more patients, keeping the ones you have, and making your brand known. The trick? Aligning your marketing budget with your revenue and business goals. No matter how big or small your practice, effective marketing isn’t a luxury – it’s a game-changer.

The Conventional Approach

Traditionally, the go-to method involves earmarking a specific percentage of your total sales or revenue for marketing efforts. It works like this: estimate your expected revenue for the year and then multiply it by a percentage to determine your practice’s annual marketing budget. This percentage typically falls between 8 percent to 12 percent of total revenue, but it can vary based on the size and nature of your practice.

While this budgeting model is straightforward, it comes with its pitfalls. Relying solely on a percentage may lead to haphazard fund allocation, resulting in overspending or insufficient investment without achieving desired outcomes. Other crucial factors to consider when deciding the percentage of your marketing budget include:

  • Your specialization
  • Competitive environment
  • Competitors’ marketing expenditures
  • Market conditions
  • Target audience

Outcome-Driven Budgeting

While more involved, goal-based budgeting proves more effective. This method demands healthcare marketers to delve into the intricacies of day-to-day business operations. It’s crucial to outline your business’s long-term objectives and break them down into measurable short-term goals, forming the foundation of your healthcare marketing plan.

For example, if your aim is to boost profits by $50,000 within the year, you’d need to attract 60 new patients by year-end to achieve this goal. The next step is determining the required marketing and advertising efforts to acquire these new patients.

Consider various strategies that can help you connect with your target audience and achieve these milestones. However, as you are not a marketing professional, the best suggestion is to farm this out to specialists.

Factors Influencing Your Marketing Investment

When crafting a healthcare marketing budget, optimizing its effectiveness is crucial. Internal and external factors play pivotal roles in shaping your investment decisions.

1. Age of Practice and Market Position

   – New practices or those initiating their first marketing campaigns may allocate 30% to 40% of their budget for brand awareness. As the market position strengthens and the practice grows, this budget can be scaled down to the 10% to 20% range.

2. Marketing Goals

   – New practices often require higher spending. Established practices introducing new services may not need an extensive budget, but alignment with specific goals and objectives is essential. Patient retention campaigns, generally less expensive, may suit a 10% budget, depending on revenue and target audience.

3. Competitors’ Marketing Spend

   – Analyze competitors’ budgets and strategies to gauge industry benchmarks. The choice of marketing platforms, such as social networks, email marketing, paid ads, and SEO tactics, can impact budget considerations.

4. Target Audience

   – Tailor your marketing budget based on the characteristics of your target audience. Different audience types require distinct marketing approaches and channels for effective communication.

Your healthcare marketing budget, much like your practice, should evolve dynamically. Peter Drucker’s famous quote, “What gets measured, gets managed,” underscores the importance of critical assessment. Regularly scrutinize marketing metrics to ensure campaigns align with expectations. If certain strategies lack traction, assess and adjust, creating a budget that resonates with your practice and supports effective strategies aligned with business goals, fostering positive growth.

In healthcare, we all want to make the most of our investments, no matter the budget. That’s why it’s crucial to focus on strategies with a track record of delivering great results. If you’re unsure about finding the right balance for your healthcare marketing budget and goals, reach out to the MediaCare team. We’re here to help and offer a free assessment. Let’s make your marketing efforts work even better!

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